About the Course


Just to remind you why you should attend this class

  • You want to stop talking about systems thinking and learn how to actually apply it to solve your problems

  • You get an advantage over other people who are not systems thinkers because systems thinkers see things from different perspectives which allows them to identify issues and solve problems other people cannot.

  • You see solutions where other people see problems

  • You think for yourself so you are less likely to be manipulated by other people

  • You may get a reputation for asking good questions

  • You learnt the mathematical tools of addition, subtraction, multiplication and dividision so you can solve numerical problems, but have you learnt the tools you need to solve the rest of those daily problems that keep surfacing?

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
This course includes:
  • Downloadable resources

  • Access on mobile and TV

  • Certificate of completion

  • 12 months access


This is not a class in which you can sit back and take it easy. As explained in Session 0, one of the best ways of learning is to teach others. And that is what you will be doing.

You are paying for this class, so you should get the best value you can out of the teamwork (you and me).

The first and second sessions are the hardest challenge, the remaining sessions get easier. I designed the class this way when I was teaching electives at the National University of Singapore. My goal was to get the students who were not serious to drop the class within the first two weeks. I could never get them all to drop the class.

The students who stayed in the elective classes generally commented that they learned more in my classes than they did in several others combined. When I used the same balanced classroom approach in the required classes, a few students complained about the workload.

Most of the work the students complained about was work that was not required. See bonus section in Session 0 that should help eliminate that mistake.

Contents may be changed or updated with or without prior notice before amd during the course.